exe package (like we have done for years) or just upload to a webserver and run the risk that users who play the game browsers work properly by allowing save data to actually be saved (some browsers security settings won't keep these files when the browser is closed) - and thats assuming you are giving it away for free. So unless you are planning on getting people to side load APKs (good luck with that) your only option is either sharing the game via an. Android APKs are installed in a "secure" area, and all the assets are normally installed on a SD card to save space on the device memory - I believe, so even using the 2x 1GByte expansion files are pointless. I have tried playing around with expansion files, but the problem with that is the core game doesn't know where to look for these assets and doesn't seem to allow us the ability to select where these can be found. Then even after all this has been done, there is the final file size, most RPG Maker MV games I have made have been over 100MBytes in size, the maximum file size an APK can be on Google Play is 100MBytes (50MByte being preferred), This means I have to manually add/remove assets, change the compression ratios and what not to try to get it below that figure. With a lot of faffing and tweaking I have managed to make a Cordova build on my machine, but this is still a pain as it means creating an APK through command line (not the hardest job just a faff) MV Does have the export option, where it will export all the files to a format that can be used by another means to convert to APK, however the method included in the MV help files is outdated and will only create an APK that doesn't meet the current Google Play regulations I don't think I'd bother with MZ unless it had easier export options.Īgreed on this. I messed around with all sorts of tools to get MV games onto android and it was NOT easy. Originally posted by MrJane:A direct to apk export option would be the key to this.